Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstract for review before the deadline of April 7th @ 17:00.

Notes for Submitting Abstracts:

  1. Abstracts may be submitted in the following areas:
    1. Basic Science
    2. Clinical Research
    3. Audit
    4. Case Presentation
  2. Abstract text (which does not include title or authors) is limited to 500 words or less. Abstracts not conforming to the prescribed format will not be considered for presentation.
  3. Basic science and clinical research abstracts should include an introduction, methods and materials, and a summary of results and conclusions.
  4. Basic science and clinical research papers must be original works of the presenting author.
  5. Abstract text should NOT contain title or author information. It is also highly recommended that you create your abstract text in a word processing program prior to beginning your online submission, then copy and paste.
  6. Abstracts must be submitted online.
  7. The submission deadline is Sunday, April 7th @ 17:00.
  8. Notice of acceptance or non-acceptance will be forwarded to the presenter only.
  9. All correspondence will be forwarded to the presenter at the email address entered. Please check your email regularly for submission updates.
  10. All accepted abstracts must be presented by the author who submitted it.

Abstract Submission Form:

Abstract Submission Is Now Closed